All About Beneath The Sea | Ocean Pals!

Beneath the Sea is a not-for-profit, volunteer, membership organization, recognized internationally as a source of education and information about the ocean environment. In 1986, Founders Joann and Armand Zighan and the Executive Board of Beneath the Sea conceived of Ocean Pals when it was determined that a significant educational gap existed in basic ocean ecology and the earth’s environment in general.

Ever sensitive to issues that affect the future of our oceans, the Board of Beneath the Sea noted that while there was an awareness and commitment of ocean ecology and the environment within an already receptive adult audience, little was being done to advance the same concepts of environmental awareness and a sense of stewardship of our oceans that is literally critical to our next several generations survival.

It was to fulfill this critical need to reach out to the world’s young people about the importance of the world’s Marine Environment responsibilities that Ocean Pals was created. The Ocean Pals educational system combines art and reading with the marine sciences towards a better understanding of our marine environment and sea creatures. Ocean Pals staff consists of a combination of volunteer administrators, artists and educators who achieve the Ocean Pals mission goals with a unique outreach program.

Today, Ocean Pals has broadened its horizon in order to reach Children, Parents and teachers Worldwide by making Ocean Pal’s marine creature lesson plans and coloring book style artwork available for Download at no charge to all Ocean Pals members from our Ocean Pals website. Ocean Pals schools and students range from the Philippines to Anguilla BWI, New York, USA and a growing list of locations around the world are joining Ocean Pals- See our Website.

Ocean pals is funded by a grant from Life Support Technologies group, Beneath the Sea Exposition, book sales and donations. Thank You!

How does Beneath The Sea | Ocean Pals work?

When the Ocean Pals 18 x 24 inch size Poster Contest was first conceived in 1986, A network of New York area teachers and several educational groups worldwide came together at the annual Beneath the Sea exhibition at the Meadowlands in March and painted ocean related ecological themes based on an annual poster theme such as “Save the Whales” “Protect our Underwater City”, “Keep the Ocean Clean”, “Save the Manatees” and “Help Polar Bears” was very successful but limited to Teachers, young artists and their families around the New York Tri-State area or people able to paint and mail the large format posters.

The Covid Pandemic shutdown the Beneath the Sea Exposition and Ocean Pals for several years. Now both the Exposition and the Ocean Pals Program are back and you can help educate children about Ocean Ecology and the unique marine creatures under the waves at no cost from anywhere in the world you can receive the internet and download a lesson plan. Intended for 4 to 10 year olds, Ocean Pals lesson plans are based on Marine Science and technology coloring book content donated to Ocean Pals by Book Authors. Individual Lesson plans vary, but the basic format is designed around a classroom period or a session at home. Young readers and their teachers or parents can read together a +- 300 word story, see a rendering of the creature and then color-in a creature outline. The combination of corrective reading, visualization and image creation using fine motor skills is a very effective teaching aid that is welcomed by young ones AND their parents and Teachers.

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